Philippine film the theme of Kintsugi
SFC (Saga Prefecture Film Commission), Saga Prefecture, is actively inviting filmmakers to produce movies here in Saga. “
Philippine Director Lawrence Fajardo( 42) has started filming throughout Saga prefecture. This movie is set in the premier porcelain -producing town of Arita.
Film director Fajardo decided to shoot the film at Gallery “Iori Hisashi”, the residence and Karatsu ware gallery of Mr. & Mrs. Yoshihisa Tsuruta,in Arita on April 10.
This came as a huge surprise!!
A filming crew of more than 30 shot the movie production at the 100 +year old ceramic gallery.
Mr. Yoshihisa Tsuruta, who is a “Cha-to “ 茶陶 creamiest was the driving force behind the scenes
as a Kintsugi technique instructor.
On this picture, Director Fajardo portrayed beautiful actress Hiro Nishino from Hita city in the Kintsugi scene.
The filming was completed in just 6 hours and lasted until 11p.m.
We think that the director commented, “ This movie embraces the deeper emotional connection one makes with others, akin to the “Kintsugi “ repair method which embellishes instead of concealing an entity’s fractured history. Kintsugi creates a restored article even more precious than the damaged original, instilling it with a renewed vitality.”
And Kintsugi instructor Mr. Yoshihisa Tsuruta said ” I hope this will result in Hizen(the old name for for Arita, Karatsu Ureshino, and Takeo) ceramics culture being spared all over the world. “
The movie will be released next year. We the Iori Hisashi staff, are very excited about it!!